Top 3 Search Engine Ranked by Popularity, Google Dominates!

When targeting online traffic from a specific search engine, most marketers or businesses tend to focus their attention and marketing dollars to Google. The majority of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services do the same when it comes to ranking pages, and the reason is simply because Google receives over 85% of the search engine market share.

You might be wondering where the other 15% search market share are, and why not target them as well? Think 85% to 15%, and easy to see where to put your dollar at, but let’s take a look at the top 3 current search engine market shares and see where all of them stand.

Our list was compiled from Statcounter Globalstats for All Platforms used in the United States in the year 2020.

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Search Engine Market Share

  1. Google

googleComing at #1 with over 85% search market share, Google completely dominates as the most popular search engine and has so for many years. There’s huge potential in Google for businesses or marketers when it comes to targeting organic or paid search. The real downside is that just about everyone is competing for the same traffic.

Potentially there are four spots that you could earn or pay for to be on the first page of Google which are Featured or Rich Snippets, Google Adwords, Google Maps, and Organic Search.

  1. Bing


Next in line is Bing, who has become somewhat of Google’s biggest contender, raking in 7% of all search market share from the United States. We’re already seeing a huge difference in search market share between Google and Bing, and it’s no wonder marketers and businesses stick to Google. Microsoft owns Bing. Bing’s home page is simple while the search pages look similar to Google with a similar white background, blue links and green URLs. Bing also powers Yahoo, which is the third biggest search engine.

  1. Yahoo

yahooYahoo receives the third most search market share at 3%. As mentioned, Yahoo is powered by Bing and so their search results are similar in some ways. Yahoo’s home page has a search box as well as many current event news if you scroll down. In the 1990’s, Yahoo was one of the pioneers of the early Internet era. Fun fact is that Yahoo!’s executives refused to buy Google back in 2002 for $3 billion and now Google has grown to become worth of over $1 trillion dollars eventually dominating the search engine market shares as well.

Those are you top 3 Search Engines in the United States. Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The next contenders would’ve been DuckDuckGo at 1.5%, and Ecosia at 0.12%. In conclusion, Google makes up over 85% of all search engine market share and that’s why so many businesses and marketers focus their attention and marketing dollars to Google.

Want to get higher up in Google? Our SEO services from Innovation Mind can help your website rank higher and get more traffic in Google. Contact us and let us know more about your business and how we can help it grow online.

Keep reading about Top 3 Search Engine Ranked by Popularity, Google Dominates! at Innovation Mind.

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